Entries by RecruitmentPlus

In This Together

Slowly but surely Ireland has been winning the battle against Covid-19 with new daily cases of the virus peaking in mid month and declining since, and with the mortality rate declining slightly according to latest figures, we can all hope for a very gradual transition over the coming months to something like the sort of […]

We’re Still Open

As the current COVID-19 situation develops, we continue to monitor the situation carefully and will communicate any client-specific information to our Temps as it becomes available. Our thoughts are with our staff, clients, candidates, and Temps along with their families during this time. Our priority is looking after our Temporary & Contract workers, Staff, Candidates […]

COVID-19 Update

These are unprecedented times for businesses in Ireland. Because of the current COVID-19 situation, our employees have all been set up to work from home since Monday 16th March. We will continue this work from home scheme as requested by the government and we are keeping an eye on this constantly evolving situation. Our number […]

Business All Stars 2020

We are pleased to announce that RecruitmentPlus has received Business All-Star Accreditation. Our team has been very busy over the last 8 weeks working with the All-Ireland Business Foundation to achieve our Business All-Star Accreditation Certificate. This accreditation is an outstanding achievement and recognises the hard work and dedication of our team in providing a […]

RecruitmentPlus wins SME of the Year

A hearty congratulations to our Dundalk team for being awarded “Best SME of the Year” at the 2019 Louth Business Awards.   The awards were held on Saturday 19th October at the Carrickdale Hotel with over 650 attending from businesses across Louth. Representing RecruitmentPlus on the night were: Anne Fanthom- Managing Director, Hazel Whelan- Director, […]

Thanksgiving in the Office- Top 5

Celebrating Thanksgiving Five things we are thankful for in RecruitmentPlus   With all the “Black Friday” sales that have made their way across the pond, it’s easy to forget that the big event in the States this week is not a super-sale, but rather Thanksgiving.   Thanksgiving takes place in the United States each year […]

Movers & Shakers

Movers and Shakers! It has been a week full of announcements here in RecruitmentPlus. First our new logo, then our 20th year celebrations… now check out who’s made the Sunday Business Post’s “Movers and Shakers” section! Congratulations to Lorna Ward and Hazel Whelan on their well deserved promotions!